Wednesday, June 8, 2011


For today, ready the nastiness embedded deep, deep down in your personality. Once you locate this hateful wasteland, use it to think of the worst possible, most damaging, wrathful and caustic thing (a single line) you could say to each of the following people:

- your mother
- your father
- your grandmother

- your sibling
- your own child
- Jim Carrey
- your current best friend
- Oprah
- your favorite teacher
- your current significant other

- yourself
- your doctor
- President Obama and his wife
- your first significant other
- your landlord
- George Clooney
- your dog
- Kim Jong-Il
- John Stewart

Send your list of devastating comments (which don't necessarily need to reflect your true beliefs) along with the targets' replies, as you imagine them, to

(If the whole operation leaves you feeling a bit empty or dirty inside, feel free to turn around and write the best possible, most uplifting thing you could say to each person on that same list.)

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